Do you need an umbrella policy?
You probably already know how important it is to protect your family, your property and your assets, which is why you have homeowners and car insurance.
But do you have all the liability coverage you need? What would happen if you caused a multi-car accident or if a neighbor tripped on your front steps? Would you be safe?
Long story short: Accidents happen, and umbrella insurance can help.
What is it?
Umbrella insurance provides an extra layer of coverage that pays out after your home, vehicle or other liability insurance reaches its limits. As opposed to some other types of coverage, umbrella insurance isn’t required (but it can often come in handy).
What does it cover?
If you were ever sued for causing injury or damage to people or property, umbrella coverage could help protect you financially. So if someone hurt themselves in your backyard, if you caused a serious car accident, or even if you’re sued for libel or slander, you would have an additional layer of protection.
Are there any exclusions to know about?
Yes. If you cause intentional harm or commit a criminal act, an umbrella policy won’t cover that. It likely won’t cover flood damage to your property or your own injuries from an accident, either.
Do you need it?
If your net worth or the value of your assets is significant, you should probably consider umbrella insurance. Or even if you don’t consider yourself wealthy, do you own things typically associated with accidents and injuries, such as a pool, a dog, a trampoline, a boat or vacant land? Adding an umbrella policy might be a smart choice.
Have questions? Reach out if you’re interested in finding out more about your coverage options.